10 Deadly Startup Mistakes to Avoid - Frontline

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

10 Deadly Startup Mistakes to Avoid

Countless startups fail every year. But there are not countless reasons that they fail. ā€œIā€™m talking to entrepreneurs three or four times a week, and theyā€™re all coming to me with the exact same issues,ā€ says Tarek Kamil, a serial entrepreneur with five launches under his belt (most recently, as founder and CEO of the communications platform Cerkl). ā€œPeople are falling into the same traps over and over. If they could just avoid those common mistakes, the chances of their company being successful would significantly increase.ā€
Heā€™s not the only one who thinks so. Mentors, VCs and serial entrepreneurs all say they routinely see entrepreneurs fall prey to a common set of mistakes. So what are they? You should know. 

1. Not prepping your life

No one would show up to run the Boston Marathon without training first. The same should be true of startups. You need to warm up with some prelaunch training, from getting proper rest and nutrition to shoring up relationships. ā€œYou have to be rigorous about making sure youā€™re ready and that every area of your life is in check,ā€ Kamil says. A startup will take a toll on your life, guaranteed.
If friends and family donā€™t understand whatā€™s about to happen and are not supportive of your vision, theyā€™ll cause personal misery, not to mention a major distraction from the business. Have a candid conversation to manage expectations. ā€œTell them, ā€˜Iā€™m going to give this my attention -- and while it doesnā€™t mean youā€™re not important to me, it may feel that way,ā€™ā€ Kamil says. ā€œYou need to make sure these areas are buckled up, because entrepreneurship will shine a light on whatever parts of your personal life are weak.ā€

2. Confusing a product with a business

In this age of apps, Atlanta-based serial entrepreneur and company strategist Eric Holtzclaw says wannabe ā€™treps donā€™t always know how to build upon their success. ā€œA product solves an individual need,ā€ he says, ā€œbut a real business has something customers will come back for again and again.ā€ 
Hereā€™s how to make the distinction: Do you have potential revenue streams beyond the customerā€™s initial purchase of a product? Thatā€™s a key factor for prospective investors, who ā€œwant to see what the next thing is and want to make sure that thereā€™s some longevity beyond what youā€™re offering today,ā€ Holtzclaw says. ā€œAre you going to license the technology to someone else? What does the business look like in three or five years? Thatā€™s a big concern from an investor perspective, and that will help you determine if you even have a business at all.ā€

3. Not paying for expertise

We say this with full respect: Youā€™re not good at everything. You canā€™t be. And yet, every part of a business should be done expertly -- particularly the tricky stuff like taxes and legal issues. ā€œStructuring not only the company but also potential investments in the wrong way can come back to haunt you,ā€ says serial entrepreneur Greg Rau, COO of Ridago, a hardware engineering firm based in Oregon.
So where it really matters, donā€™t download some free online guide or think you can handle it yourself. Find an expert whose job is to know exactly what you need to do. The place Rau says entrepreneurs are particularly in need of an expert eye: ā€œWhen drafting the terms you accept investment on,ā€ he says, ā€œif you donā€™t pay attention to things within the terms sheets, like liquidation preferences, that could hurt you on the future sale of the company to the point where the founders may end up with nothing.ā€

4. Ignoring data

ā€œMagical thinking can kill any business,ā€ says Lisa Stone, the San Franciscoā€“based cofounder of the online community BlogHer. You canā€™t just believe youā€™ll succeedā€”you need to actually crunch some numbers and figure out if you will succeed. There has to be data that validates that your big idea is real, or at least provides a leading indicator that it could be. Once you collect that data, use it to create key performance indicators or milestones to show your idea or business is progressing. 
Stone speaks from experience. In the early stages of BlogHer, she and her partners were told that women would never blog in large enough numbers to support an annual conference. But the data they collected from their first small test conference confirmed their belief that the plan would work. The event, organized in four months, sold out with more than 300 women showing up and netted the team $60,000, which was poured back into the company.

5. Scaling too quickly

Hereā€™s a scary number: Seventy-four percent of high-growth internet startups fail because they scaled too fast, too soon. (Thatā€™s according to a report by Startup Genome.) ā€œIt happens a lot,ā€ says Erik Rannala, cofounder and managing partner of Los Angelesā€“based Mucker Capital. ā€œPeople raise money, think theyā€™re flush with cash and then spend it on the wrong things. But by the time they realize that spending isnā€™t getting them anywhere, itā€™s often too late.ā€
What are they spending on? Oh, anything -- from marketing to hiring too many employees too quickly. But the basic problem is the same: Theyā€™re draining the budget on things that arenā€™t essential to expansion or determining whether their business is even viable. ā€œWhen you start to spend money, you need to either have more or have a way to generate more,ā€ Rannala says. ā€œBecause if you run out of money before you actually hit any real business milestones, youā€™re going to have a very hard time raising more.ā€

6. Clinging to the wrong idea

ā€œYou have to realize that sometimes youā€™re pushing up the wrong hill or youā€™re pushing into a brick wall youā€™re never going to break through,ā€ Rannala says. This mistake is especially prevalent among first-time entrepreneurs and people entering an unfamiliar market -- folks who just fall in love with their original idea and canā€™t recognize how much itā€™s failing.
Donā€™t go on gut. Go on evidence. Evaluate how your product fits in the market. Maybe you run experiments on what tactics or product tweaks draw in customers the best. Or maybe you closely track how much it costs you to acquire each customer -- and if small tweaks make that cost go up or down. ā€œFor consumer internet companies, for example, there are five or six tried-and-true ways to acquire customers,ā€ Rannala says, ā€œand if you try them for six or 12 months and none of those tactics are working, that might be a sign that thereā€™s something wrong.ā€ 

7. Failing to delegate

Itā€™s perhaps the most classic problem in management: Rather than give up control and trust others to take the reins, you try to do everything yourself -- and fail. The instinct is understandable, of course. ā€œMost good entrepreneurs are very strategic, so they donā€™t want to have to worry about whether the fine details are being accomplished,ā€ Holtzclaw says.
So, what to do? Delegate, obviously. Start by drawing up processes, almost like a guidebook for how to do things the way they should be done. That way youā€™ll feel calmer, and your employees will have the direction they need. ā€œIf you donā€™t do that, youā€™ll hire too quickly because youā€™ll think, Iā€™ve got to bring somebody in because Iā€™m so overwhelmed,ā€ he says. ā€œWell, if youā€™re overwhelmed and no one can take anything off your plate, youā€™re never going to get out of that state. You have to delegate.ā€

8. Thinking money solves everything

Struggling entrepreneurs often think that if they can juuuuust raise another round of financing, their problems will be solved. But money doesnā€™t work like that. It canā€™t solve a fundamental issue with a business model, says Carter Cast, professor of entrepreneurship at Kellogg School of Management and venture partner at Chicago-based Pritzker Group Venture Capital.
ā€œIf your business model isnā€™t sound, throwing money at it is not going to work,ā€ Cast says. ā€œYou have to fix the problem first, and then raise the money. Doing it the other way around will only get you in more trouble.ā€

9. Underestimating how long sales take

Letā€™s get this out of the way: Sales take time. Many startups even think they can close a big enterprise account in three to six months -- but in reality, a deal like that can take more than a year. And if your business plan doesnā€™t account for that, youā€™re going to be in trouble. 
ā€œThey have to sell in to the c-suite, the line manager, the technology folks and the product manager. There are multiple levels of approval, and then thereā€™s a scoping and discovery and implementation process,ā€ Cast says. ā€œIā€™ve seen many companies run out of money because they have been too aggressive in estimating their timelines.ā€

10. Fearing failure

ā€œFail fastā€ may be a popular catchphrase, but Kamil isnā€™t a fan of it. No matter how much entrepreneurs may glorify failure, thereā€™s still that scary word: fail. And nobody wants to be the opposite of success. ā€œItā€™s really the wrong term, because ā€˜failingā€™ means thereā€™s no benefit, and most times thatā€™s just not true,ā€ he says.
 Change the mindset. You didnā€™t fail -- you ran an experiment that will improve your next business. ā€œItā€™s learning,ā€ Kamil says. ā€œAlthough it hurts a little bit each time, now youā€™ve learned something, and you can apply that lesson to move forward and make your business better.ā€

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