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Thursday, 12 April 2018

Uber's latest $200M acquisition

On Monday, Uber announced their acquisition of the bright-red bike-rental startup JUMP, owners of the 500+ electric, dockless bicycles scattered through the streets of San Francisco and Washington D.C.

They're incredibly popular: users are taking between 6 and 7 rides a day.

The premise is simple: instead of owning your own bike, you can find and rent a JUMP bike directly in their app – each one has a built-in GPS. Bikes are scattered across the city, locked to racks, poles, or even trees. šŸŒ²

When you're done riding, park up the bike with the built-in metal bar – another JUMP user will come by and take it soon enough.

This might seem like the next parody-worthy "Silicon Valley innovation," but race to own the bike-sharing world is very real. The competition already took off years ago in China.

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