Botswana: Youth Alive Foundation to Host Business Seminar - Frontline


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Wednesday 11 April 2018

Botswana: Youth Alive Foundation to Host Business Seminar

Gaborone — Youth Alive Foundation (YAF) has invited the youth to participate in its second entrepreneurship and professional development seminar billed for April 27.
The seminar, which is YAF's second annual event having started last year, will be hosted in Gaborone.
Speaking at a press briefing in Gaborone on Monday, Mr Tookhona Jobe, foundation's president said the seminar would see financial experts and speakers from various industries discuss entrepreneurial development of the youth and the economy.
South African Business mogul, Mr Vusi Thembakwayo and local motivational speaker Ms Ntombi Setshwaelo are expected to be among the speakers.
"During the one-day seminar topics such as; Professional Development, Skills Exchange, Information Hub as well as Computer Literacy will be discussed at length," he said.
He added that skills on computer literacy were vital, highlighting the importance and knowledge of basic computer skills that are needed when starting a business.
Mr Bakang Keitumetse, YAF media relations and policy developer explained that this year's seminar would be mostly concentrated in growing crowd-funding to benefit businesses.
Crowd-funding is a financial method commonly practiced by stokvels that involves raising small amounts of money from a large number of people for a certain project.
Mr Keitumetse further explained that this year's seminar would be bigger and would have a lot for young entrepreneurs benefitting from it compared to the previous year.
He explained that they wanted to cultivate the culture of crowdfunding not as a stokvel culture, but as a way of creating jobs through businesses funded from crowd-funding.
He further stated that their entrepreneurship seminar is their way of combating unemployment rates among the youth by encouraging them to venture into businesses.
Source : BOPA

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